Michael Rhyne Estate Packet: 1853

Biographical Notes

Michael Rhyne was born during 1823 in Georgia. He was the son of Jacob Rhyne and Sarah Hope. Jacob Rhyne (the son of Phillip Rhyne and Maria Hannah Heyl) was born in Dallas, Lincoln County, North Carolina about 1786 and died during 1843 in Itawamba County. Michael married Elizabeth Gillentine, the daughter of Richard Leake and Sidney Leana Stovall Gillentine. She was born about 1827 in Morgan County, Alabama. Michael and Elizabeth Gillentine Rhyne had the following children: Robert C. Rhyne (born 1845), Sarah Rhyne (born 1847), Susan Rhyne (born about 1851) and Michael Rhyne (born about 1852). Michael Rhyne died during February of 1853 on his farm near Hopewell Baptist Church west of the Tombigbee River.


The State of Mississippi
Itawamba County
March Term 1853

The petition of Carlisle Rhyne would show to your honor that some time in February AD 1853 that Michael Rhyne of said county departed this life intestate leaving a widow and children surviving him and real and personal estate in said county of about the valur of One Thousand Dollars, that his widow does not desire the administration of said estate and your petitioner is brother to deceased ... your petitioner therefore asks that your honor grant to him letters of administration upon said estate and that F.B. Hancock, C. Brooks and N.J. Galloway be appointed appraisers to appraise the personal estate...

C. Rhyne
by his atty J. C. Hinds


The State of Mississippi
Itawamba County

To: T.B. Hancock, C. Brook and N.J. Galloway:

This is to authorize you jointly to appraise the goods, chattels and personal estate of M. Rhyne ...

Given under our hands and seals this 14th day of March 1853

Charles Brooks
Thos. R. Brooks
N.J. Galloway


Inventory of Widow's Allowance
Estate of Michael Rhyne

30 bushels of corn
300 lbs. of bacon
50 lbs. of lard
Household and kitchen furniture
twelve head of hogs
two cows and calves


I, Elizabeth Rhyne, widow of Michael Rhyne deceased, agree that William C. Rhyne administrator of my husbands estate, may sell 50 bushels of corn, one horse, 8 head of hogs, one set of plows and geese, ... and agree for the proceeds thereof to go into the estate as assets in his hands for the payment of debts.

Elizabeth Rhyne
Jas. Cook, Witness


The State of Mississippi
Itawamba County
December Term 1853

The undersigned administrator of Michael Rhyne, dec'd would report to your honor that in pursuance to an order of your honorable court, he has sold the cotton mentioned in said order for the sum of Two Hundred and Four Dollars and 67/100 ...

Amt. Sales: $259.88
Expenses of Hauling: $33.56
Expenses for Ginning: $21.65
Net proceeds of sale: $204.67

W.C. Rhyne



M. Rhyne to L.D. Turner for making coffin $8.00

Entered into court 3rd Oct. 1853


Report of Final Settlement

Payments made to:

L.D. Turner
Dr. Phipps
J.M. Downs
A.S. Warren
Wm. H. Moore
W.C. Clifton
Wm. H. Moore
Bullard and Beene
James B. Mayhall
J.W. Downs

W.C. Rhyne
May Term 1857


H.W. Rhyne: 1 plow and stocks
W.C. Rhyne: 1 plow and stocks
M.C. Deaton: 2 augers and hammer
W.C. Rhyne: 1 hand saw
W. C. Rhyne: 1 lot of plows
Wm. Gillentine: 1 sweep
R. E___der: 1 pair stelyards and curry comb
G. McAntish: 1 drawing knife
M.C. Deaton: 1 iron wedge
B. Edge: 1 calf skin
H.W. Rhyne: 1 hoe
G. McAntish: 2 hoes
Wm. Gillentine: 1 saddle
M. Deaton: 1 pr. ___
E.L. Turner: 1 mare
L.B.C. Gallaway: 1 lot of oats
H. Nanna: 1 scythe and cradle
H.W. Rhyne: 4 large hogs
H.W. Rhyne: 1 sow and pigs
C. Harris: 1 lot of corn 25 bushels
Dr. Mitchener: 1 lot of corn 25 bushels
H.W. Rhyne: 1 lot of corn 25 bushels
W.H. Rhyne: 1 lot of corn 25 bushels
L.B.C. Gallaway: 1 lot of corn 25 bushels
D.P. Nelson: 1 stack fodder
Dr. Mitchener: 1 yoke of stears
H.W. Rhyne: 1 yearling
H.W. Rhyne: 1 yearling
M.C. Deaton: 1 bushel peas
M.C. Deaton: 1 bushel peas
E.H. Rials: grubbing hoe
W.C. Rhyne: 1 axe
E.H. Rials: 1 spade
W.C. Rhyne: 1 plow
W. C.Rhyne: 1 wagon
George Mcantish: 1 iron wedge
F. Turmer: 1 lot of bacon
B.G. Blake: 2 lots of bacon
L.R. Brooks: 1 goard of lard
M.C. Deaton: 1 goard of lard
M.C. Deaton: 1 goard of lard
J.T. Mullins: 1 cow and calf
E.H. Reals: 1 gray mare
Jacob Rhyne: 1 colt
Isaac Denton: 1 colt

April the 9th AD 1853 Sold

End of Sale List



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