Located in the Itawamba County Chancery
Court Clerk's Office are more than a dozen 4-drawer filing cabinets containing
Itawamba County probate packets. The packets are bundled loose documents
pertaining to Itawamba County estate settlements. Each packet contains
from one to more than 100 documents. These packets are arranged in numerical
order. Many of the packets include lawsuits involving estates. Other items
include divorce records and other miscellaneous court records from 1836
to ca. 1900. Below is an abstract of the names found listed on the packet
15 C.F.M Hodges
46 Samuel Leathers
68 H.I. Holman
111 Chiles McGee
116 Elisha Springer
117 Nealy Tollison
126 John H. Ruff
126 Alfred Rutledge
128 A.O. Goodwin
133 John K. Estes
134 J.L. Finley vs. Samuel Finley
135 J.T. Francis
136 Heirs of James Floyd
137 Samuel Moore
138 J.A. Mitchum
139 Thomas Edwards
140 George Engle
141 Henry Jackson
144 Mary Jackson
150 Lewis Johnson
151 Willie Jackson
152 W.H. Jackson
158 Govenor Joseph Matthews
159 W.B. Stephens
162 Louis Johnson
165 Nancy McDougal, wife of James
Nelson and widow of Moses McDougal
166 John A. Metts
166 M.V. Sparks, a minor vs. J.B.
167 W.H. Maxcey
168 S. John Warren
169 William Murphy
170 Minor heirs of F.J. & O.
170 L. McNice
171 B.H. Traylor
171 D.L. Hiden
172 Lewis Smith
173 John F. Storey
174 John S. Sullivan
177 Isabella Tupler
176 C.L. Terry, guardian for minor
heirs of Samuel Terry
179 Elizabeth Sample
181 George Erwin
182 Dicey Magbee
183 J.G. Estes
183 G.W. Edwards
184 John A. Edwards
185 Ralph Mason
185 Minor heirs of John W. Collier
186 John B. Francis
187 John Rogers
187 James Floyd
189 J. S. Eadens
190 Moses Estes
191 Isaac Forrester
191 Huriah Rogers etal vs. Mrs.
A.J. McFadden etal
192 Parrott Evans
193 Andrew J. Estes
194 Chiles McGee
193 Isaac Betts
197 Minor heirs of C.J. Martin
192 Bridges Freeman
200 Christopher Devors
204 Martha & Isabella Derrett
209 William Guess
210 Florence & Lawrence King
203 J.C.W. Brazeal
212 Hartwell Roe, a minor
212 Thos. Billingsley
213 Archie Taylor
213 Moses Estes in account with
S. Westmoreland
214 John P. Earley
217 M.A. Parker, a minor
215 Gray Partain
215 Moses Robinson
216 T. F. Renny, a minor
217 C.H. Bessonett
217 W.H.P. Benefield and R.M. Bickerstaff
219 Thomas Booth vs. Nancy J. Booth
218 Noah B. Owen, a minor
219 George Erwin
220 F.M. McPherson
221 Guardianship of Mattie L. Whitesides
222 Louis Galloway
223 E. S. Grissom
225 Harmon Grimes
222 Sarah Cain vs. J.M.V. Cain
226 John A. Senter
226 A.O. Goodwin
227 Elisha Springer and Stephen
W. Smith
228 William Jackson
229 Heirs of Enoch Jackson
229 Joseph Williams vs. T.E. Hamburg
230 Enoch Jackson
231 Minor heirs of Henry Jackson
232 E.F. Jackson
232 J.B. Sparks vs. Mary V. Sparks
by her guardian Millard Sparks
234 George Shumpert
234 Joab Hale
235 Minor heirs of George Shumpert,
235 Gray Partin
236 J. T. Muller
237 J.J. Mabry
238 T.F. McWhiter
239 Eliza M. Maxey alais E.M. Sample
vs. V.B. Maxey
240 Annie McShan
243 Elizabeth Ann Elliott vs. John
244 John A. Goodwin and Isabella
F. Sargant, minors
246 W.S. Greenwood
247 Daniel Lentz
248 William McFadden and V.B. and
B.B. McFadden
249 B.T. Peacock
250 W.R. Peeler
252 Mason Cummings
252 Rufus K. Proffit
253 Agnes G. Pope
254 Thomas G. Price admin. of R.Y.
254 Henry Shumpert etal
255 Desda Owen etal vs. A.C. Owen
256 Watkins Orr of Lawrence Co.
257 Sarah Tate widow of Thomas
256 Samuel Patton vs. A.G. Smithe,
admin. etal
257 W.S. Dorsey
258 W.M. Peeler, guardian
259 Elijah Oliver, guardian for
minor heirs of M.L. Walker
259 Elijah Parker
260 Wm. H. Peadon
263 Minor heirs of Alfred Peacock
261 Basil Dorsey
261 Sarah J. Peacock, guardian
262 Charlie Hodges
262 James Horn
263 Zacheus Horne
264 George Whitten
264 Reuben Morgan
265 T. Wiygle etal vs. W.D. Clifton
266 R.M. Roberts, a minor
267 John W. Rogers
267 J.W. Clifton
268 M.C. Ray
268 G.B. Walker etal vs. Sebastain
Baxter etal
269 Minor heirs of James D. Rays
269 E.B. and J.C. Reich vs. Levi
A. Reich etal
269 Benjamin Reich
270 Swepson Taylor
270 Minor heirs of B.L. Owen
271 Minor heirs of James Walker
273 J.L. Walker
274 W.S. Greenwood
275 Thomas H. Booth vs. Susan Even
275 Charles Warren
276 F.H. Ringer
278 T. and Sally C. Wiygle vs.
B.L. Owen, guardian
276 Thomas Dulany
277 Mary J. Tarbitt, a minor
278 John N. Maxcy
278 A.C. Taylor, minor, heirs
279 E. Thomas
279 James Whitesides
279 Guardianship of R.C. Crayton
280 Minor heirs of Marion Marras/Marcus
281 Charles Brooks
281 Mary A. Springer
282 C.W. Taylor
283 T.M. Carothers
284 Estate of Stephen W. Smith
284 Estate of R.F. Chamblee
285 Guardianship of Monroe Chamblee
285 Estate of Cally Scaggs
286 Loden Thomas adm. of Alee Simmons,
287 C.H. Robinson
288 Estate of Louis Smith
289 Jeff Wilson, decd
289 Estate of Benetta Leigh, decd.
289 Estate of W.W. Stovall
290 Estate of Wm. S. Oswalt
291 John Shan, decd.
291 Wm. Oliver
291 Guardianship of Sarah Lindsey
292 Estate of minor heirs of Wm.
Crow, decd.
293 Mary A. Wideman vs. Pluries
Commission, Jacob Fry, etal
294 William D. Franklin etal vs.
Mary Franklin, etal
294 Estate of E.M. Threlkeld
296 John C. Bennett minor John
W. Mitchell, guardian
296 S.C. Scott
297 S.W. Smith
298 H.A. Truelove
298 R.W. Palmer
299 William Downs vs. Benjamin
Summers etal
300 Sarah Ledbetter etal vs. W.A.
Leeper, etal
300 Hugh McVay
303 Estate of S.S. Smith, decd.
307 Estate of M. Rhyne
309 Estate of Wm. Houston
316 Thos. Dutton vs. O.B. and G.B.
317 C.C. Flanagan, guardian for
S.T. and J.J. Harper
317 Estate of J.G. Thompson, decd.
318 E. Oliver guardian for Eli
A. King
318 W.G. Kennedy estate
319 Estate of Wm. Holcomb
320 Estate of James Lyles
321 T.J. Dutton, minor
321 guardianship of the minor heirs
of Parrot Evans, decd.
322 Estate of J.C. Cook, J.M. Cook,
323 Estate of J.C. McKay
322 Mark Lindsey vs. John Wages
323 Estate of Wm. Barnes
324 Estate of J.J. Davis
324 Estate of G.D. Layton
325 Estate of C.H. Louis
327 Mark Conwill vs. Mark Nichols
327 T.E. Mooreman, a minor
328 Estate of Wm. M. Williams
329 Estate of D.M. Seiglar
330 Minor heirs of Alf. Rutledge
330 Thomas R. Smith, a minor
331 Minor heirs of H.O. Goodmin,
332 Estate of Jessie Sparks
332 Estate of Leander Miller
333 S.T. Taylor, a minor
334 Estate of J.C. Cook
334 Estate of John Hail
334 James Cook, decd. J.M. Cook,
335 John G. Warren etal vs. N.B.
Warren, executor
335 S.W. Smith, decd.
336 Estate of John T. Mullers
336 Houston and Reynolds vs. J.S.
Gryder etal
337 Estate of Thomas M. Master
337 Houston and Reynolds and E.G.
Betts vs. G.W. Howard etal
338 Micajah Parker, decd.
339 Estate of John Hagwood
339 Estate of Samuel Jones
346 L.L. Harwell, guardian of Irene
341 Jacob Randall decd. S. H. Randall
340 Estate of R.G. McFadden etal
341 Estate of J. Burlison
342 Estate of George Ratliff
343 R.F. Warren, the unknown heirs
of Cassey Hankins
343 R.S. Warren, etal
344 Estate of A. Kuykendall
344 B.B. McFadden etal vs. A.P.
345 Estate of Phillip Long
345 Estate of Jackson Champion
346 Estate of Benj. Kemp
347 In matters of guardianship
of minors heirs of Emily Ford, decd.
348 Estate of W.C. Hunt
348 D.W. Durrett etux fvs. Mrs.
Annie Stephens etal.
349 Estate of R.F. Millener
349 Estate of David Files, decd.
349 J.R. Hinds
350 Estate of J.M. Maynard, decd.
351 Estate of George Stephens
352 Noah Sweat vs. J. Hunt, etal
352 Estate of B.T. Munson
354 Estate of Wm. Lanier, decd.
352 Estate of A. Masky, decd.
353 J.P. Harris etal vs. J.F. Spence,
354 Estate of M.E.. Lester, minor,
Iscom J. Luster, guardian
355 John Burts claim against R.W.
Harris estate
355 Lowery Stockton vs. John Stockton
356 D. Ratliff adm. of the estate
of W.W. Stovall
356 James B. Stone vs. Margret
C. Stone
357 Guardianship of minor heirs
of T.H. Booth
357 A.C. Lowery vs. John Clifton
358 Estate of J.A. Hamilton
358 Guardianship of minor heirs
of F. McKeown
to be continued...