Itawamba County, Mississippi History and Genealogy: The Itawamba Historical Society

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The Fulton Southern Herald began publication in Fulton during 1857. The editor, E.P. Odom lived in the village of Fulton, next to the Childers Hotel. Odom was born in Georgia during 1833. Odom was assisted by Daniel Whitiner and John D. Landers, both of Georgia, with the publication of The Fulton Southern Herald. These images of the newspaper provide a fascinating snapshot of daily life in Itawamba County on September 15, 1860. Below are some selected abstracts from this edition of the newspaper.

The Fulton Southern Herald
E.P. Odom Editor

Maj. James D. Barton at Richmond, Miss. is our authorized agent to receive subscriptions and to receive and receipt for money due us.

Calvin A. Marshall, Tax Assessor of Itawamba County is our authorized traveling agent and is fully authorised to receive and receipt for money due this office.

We received a copy of the first issue of the Tishomingo Patriot, a neat and ably edited Bell and Evertt paper about our size published at Jacinto, Miss. Jas. M. Norment Editor and propietor. The Patriot is doing a good service in the Union cause and we wish it abundant success.

Judge F.M. Rogers for the Union Candidates and Judge Gholson for the Seceding Democrats are expected to speak at Smithville to-day.

We are authorized to announce Benjamin F. Toomer, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Itawamba County. Election First Monday in October next.

We are authorized to announce William D. Clifton as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce William Beachum as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce J.W. Justice as a candidate for re-election to the office of Circuit Clerk of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce J.A. Harrison as a candidate for Clerk of the Circuit Court of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce Maj. Merriman Pound as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce Hon. E.W. Bryan as a candidate for re-election to the office of Probate Judge of Tawamba County.

We are authorized to announce Eli Phillips as a candidate for re-election to the office of Probate Clerk of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce William H. Keyes as a candidate for the office of Probate Clerk of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce Mark Monts as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce James M. Armstrong as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce S. Hare as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce William Downs as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce A.F. Rosse as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce Calvin A. Marshall as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Assessor of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce Benjamin Priddy as a candidate for the office of Tax Assessor of Itawamba County.

We are authorized to announce Isaac W. Edwards as a candidate for re-election to the office of Coroner of Itawamba County.

There will be a meeting of some days held with the Baptist Church of Fulton commencing on Friday evening (at good candlelight) before the second Sabbath in October. W.C. Thomas.

We regret that severe sickness prevented Judge Johnston from filling his appointment here on Wednesday last.

Tishomingo Circuit Court commences at Jacinto on Monday next and at Corinth on Thursday week.

A special meeting of the Board of Police of Itawamba County will be held at the Court House in the town of Fulton on Thursday the 27th acting upon the Petition of J.F. Sullivan Et al for license to retail vinious and spiritous liquors at Saltillo in Police District 2 of said County. J.F. Weaver, president, Eli Phillips, clerk.

Died in this village on the 9th. Inst. of Typhoid Pneumonia Burgess Falls Gaither, son of G.B. and D.C. Gaither, aged about nineteen months.

Estray Notice posted September 10 1860. One steer posted by William White. John A. Beachum, ranger.

Whereas letters of Administration on the Estate of Gray Parton, deceased was granted to the undersigned at the July term A.D. 1860 of the Probate Court of Itawamba County, State of Mississippi. Now all persons having claims against the Estate of said Decedent are hereby required to exhibit the same within the time limited by law or the same will be forever barred. Henry J. Parton, Owen I. Hardin, Administrators.

The notes and accounts due the firm of Owen and McWilliams are in the hands of the undersigned for collection. Prompt payment is desired. A word to the wise is sufficient.  D.W. Owen.

Estray Notice: One yoke of oxen posted by Darlings. Also One steer posted by William Whitesides. Also one filly posted by D. Grimes. John A. Beacham, ranger.

Land For Sale: By virtue and in pursuant of a Decree of the Chancery Court of Chickasaw County, Mississippi at the April Term therof, 1860 the Cause of William Anderson et al vs. Robert Watkins et al I will proceed to sell at Auction on the 11 day of October 1860 in Fulton, the following land in Itawamba County to wit: NE 1/4 of Section 4, Township 9, Range 6; NW 1/4 30,8,8; SE 1/4 10,7,8; NW 1/4 20,10,7; SE 1/4 1,10,6; SW 1/4 28,8,7; SW 1/4 32,9,9. John M. Anderson, Commissioner.

Advertisement: M.M. Shelley Attorney at Law, Fulton, Miss.

Advertisement: J.D. Barton Attorney at Law, Richmond and Fulton, Miss.

Advertisement: Bullard and Mitchener Attorney at Law, Fulton, Miss.

Guardian's Sale of Real Estate: By virtue of a decree of the Probate Court of Itawamba County...I will sell at the residence of  William R. Burdine on the 1st day of October 1860 the following lands.......S.D. Stegall, Guardian of W.R. Burdine.

New Blacksmith Shop: Martin Ryan would respectfully announce to the public that he has established a New Black-Smith shop in the Town of Fulton....northwest of the public square opposite Dr. McWilliam's office.

Itawamba Wagon and Carriage Shop: F.W. Willis would respectfully announce to the public that he has open a new Wagon and Carriage factory in the town of Fulton...northwest corner of the Public Square in the Richardson Hotel building.

A Fresh supply of garden seeds for sale by E.G. Betts

Executor's Sale of Valuable Real Estate: By virtue of a decree of the Probate Court of Itawamba County, State of Mississippi made at the April term 1860 therof we will on Monday the 15th day of October next 1860 at the residence of John Armstrong, deceased...sell at public auction the following lands...all of said lands be immediately in the neighborhood of Verona and near the line of the Mobile and Ohio Railroad. James M. Armstrong and John B. Armstrong, executors of the last Will and Testament of John Armstrong, deceased.

James Creek Academy: There is now a flourishing school at this Adademy which is 15 miles southeast of Fulton...John H. Callaway, male teacher; Irene P. Callaway, female teacher.

Medical Card: Dr. M.W. Howard next door to Burgess and Co.'s store formerly occupied by Dr. Telfair.

Just received: Sugar, coffee, molasses and rice at the cheap cash store by E.G. Betts.

White Springs: The subscriber takes this method of informing the public that he is the proprietor of the above named springs and their well know virtues need no further recomendation...The springs are situated on the Bigby River 3 miles south of Van Buren and 8 miles north of Smithville...there are strong inducements for indulgence in Field and River sports, hunting and fishing...also arrangements for bathing and a gymnasium for exercise and a number of suitable rooms for rent...J.M. Williams

Itawamba Academy: (half mile southeast of White's Mill)...the above institute is located in a very moral and healthy neighborhood and a never failing spring of Chalybeate Water near the Institute...Mr. F. McLean of North Carolina will have charge of the classical department...T.R. Dansby

Citation Notice: E.L. Welch vs. John J. Ivey: July Term 1860: The defendant is hereby notified that the Plaintiff has taken out an Attachment against the defendant's property; that the same has been executed by Garnishment on Thomas Ivey and W.J. Taylor, and the same has been levied upon certain property of said defendants and is returned before me W.J. Reeves, a Justice of the Peace in and for said County, for trial this July 14, 1860. That at the September term of said Justice Court said case will come up for trial at W.W. Johnson's in 2nd Police District of said county, when and where the said defendant is required to appear and defend this cause. W.J. Reeves, Justice of the Peace.

Great Discovery! The Medley Mineral: The wonderful cures that have been made with the Medley mineral has led us to prepare and offer for the relief of many of the diseases...accidently discovered by William Medley when digging a well at his residence 10 miles south of Fulton Itawamba County Mississippi...Medley Stovall and Co. Submitting testimonials for the above mineral were C.J. Martin, ___ Harrison, J.C. Gilstrap, B. Bolen, J.W. Justice, Richard Barnes and Owen Williams.

Real Estate for Sale: 8,000 acres of valuable land lying in Itawamba County on Ma-tach-a Creek. Includes good fences with good convenient dwellings and out-houses and well watered....J.C. Gilstrap

Advertisement: Dr. A.J. McWilliams, office at his old stand, one door west of A.P. Gaither's  where he can be consulted during the business hours of the day and found at night at his residence half-mile south of the Court House on the Aberdeen Road.

Valuable Lands for Sale: includes lands on Bear Creek. Any person wishing to buy any part of the above lands will find me at the late residence of Moses Robinson deceased, five miles west of Van Buren, Mississippi. Coleman H. Robinson

Dissolution: The Firm of B.L. and D.W. Owen was dissolved by mutual consent on the 1st of January last. Those indebted will please come forward and make immediate settlements, by so doing they may save cost. B.L. Owen and D.W. Owen 


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