uring 1837 a seat of
government was laid off in blocks and lots east of the Tombigbee River
in Itawamba County, Mississippi, that had just been organized the year
before. Shortly thereafter the county board of police began selling lots
in the new town, named Fulton. As death visited the new town, the early
citizens were buried south of the Russellville Road on a grassy knoll adjacent
to the Fulton Male Academy east of the village. However, it was not until
1850 that a formal deed was recorded for the village burial grounds. The
old Fulton Cemetery contains many ornate monuments to the early citizens
of the village of Fulton. Many of these monuments are dedicated to early
merchants, planters, lawyers and government officials. Just southeast of
the main burial grounds in a wooded area are monuments dedicated to members
of the early African American Community. This wooded area of the cemetery
began as a burial grounds for slaves well before the Civil War. The collection of photographs displayed on this site is but a small example of the many old ornate monuments in this historic cemetery.

This Indenture made and enterd into this 17th day of October 1850 between
William P. Harrison of the first part and D.N. Cayce, president of the
Trustees of the Fulton Male Academy of the second part. Witnesseth that
the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of
Five Dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold and by these
presents do grant bargain sell and convey unto the said party of the second
part as such president and to his successors in office forever all the
right, title, claim and itnerest of the said party of the first party the
following described land towit: four acres of ground where the Male Academy
is now situated east of the Town of Fulton to be laid off around said building
so as to include the spring, and two acres including the grave yard including
the most suitable ground for that purpose and to be dedicated to purposes
of Burial alone on the NW 1/4 Sec. 30, Town 9, Range 9 East and south of
the Russellville Road to have and to hold said land for the purposes aforesaid
against the said party of the first part and his executors, administrators
and all previous claims by through or under law. In Testimony whereof the
said party of the first part hath hereunto set his hand and seal the day
and date above written.

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