Quite a bit of interest was shown in athletics this year. But why should not the students of the Itawamba Agricultural High School be interested in athletics; for aren't we getting paid physically and otherwise?

The football season opened with probably the best material on hand that could be found in any high school in the state; but from the beginning the team had hard luck.

Early in the season Captain Chilcoat, right end, received an injury to his shoulder which kept him out a greater part of the season. Richardson, left end, Nabers, quarterback, and Bourland, center, were soon added to the list of cripples. This left the team without ends, center, or quarter-back. With the lineup in this condition, the team played the most important games of the season.

But after all, there is something greater than winning games. The real object of athletics is to make men of boys by developing in them the determination to accomplish something. To the team which played square, clean foot-ball throughout the season, and to the men who were real sportsmen in victory and in defeat, we say sincerely that we are indeed proud of you.

The basket ball season opened with a large number of good basket ball men out for team. "Jiggs" Wheeler promptly changed his title from tackle to forward. Richardson, who played left end on the foot ball team, made us a good forward also. Chilcoat stepped out of football togs into a basket ball suit and continued his generalship at center. The season ended with a successful game with Tupelo High on our court.

Under the directorship of Miss Mobberly, the girls developed a basket ball team that was on a par with any in this section of the state.

The Mirror goes to press before any of the track meets take place, but from present prospects we should figure with credit in all the meets we enter.

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